Getting Dental Implants in India vs at Home

A lot of people are curious about getting dental implants in India. It’s advertised as costing a fraction of what it runs in other areas of the world. Cosmetic dental tourism has been on the rise for the last several years specifically in western countries. That means that more and more people from first-world countries are traveling to places like India to get their teeth fixed. Why? Well, quite simply, it’s cheaper!

Procedures such as dental implants can be quite expensive in western countries. Moreover, as we have already mentioned in our last post, Insurance companies are more than likely not going to cover cosmetic procedures such as implants, which means that most, if not all of your expenses are going to be out-of-pocket. Spending thousands of dollars on a single tooth is not a luxury many people have. If they absolutely have to do it out of necessity, they’re going to be stretched financially. That is why going to a place like India for procedures like this is not a bad idea. They have fully qualified dentists who perform this procedure for hundreds of people visiting them every year from all over the world.

Dental Implant Patient Review - Kadali Dental in Mumbai, India

Visit their website at for more information and to see more testimonials about their work.

The next set of questions focuses on if it is safe, effective, or sanitary. As it turns out, you could be missing out on an excellent dentist whose professional experience might eclipse the professionals in your local area. That’s the first reason to take a second look. The second reason to stop and look at the possibility of going to India to get dental implants is that it is less expensive.

It’s more affordable to go there for three weeks, opt for the higher-end materials, and have all of your dental work completed in that time. People have been known to go there to have root canals, crowns, and even fillings while they go for the dental implants. This means you can get all your work done and save more money in the long-run even though you might end up spending more than just the expenses for your implant. If you have other dental issues, it’s best that you get them sorted out all together!

Kadali Dental can certainly accommodate your requirements. You can consult with them first while you’re still at home and ask them how long you will need to come to India for all your procedures combined, including the implant. They also do Immediate Loading Implants which are affordable and convenient. But you need a consultation to make sure that you qualify as there are certain requirements. Here’s their location in Mumbai:

Dental Implants at Kadali Dental in Mumbai:


And, they get it all done within the time span of a few weeks. So, while traveling to India takes some planning, and a bit of time and money to get there, it is worth it. According to the people who have undergone procedures there, they have actually saved time because the dentists and oral surgeons there are efficient.

Their experience of having performed many procedures makes them better suited to do the job than professionals here with less experience. It’s better to go once for three weeks than having to continually take time out of the day to go back to the dentist. You can find out more about Kadali Dental on APSense here.

The patients are happier with the results because they get efficient service and higher quality materials than they could afford in, say, Australia or the United Kingdom.

Sure, it is important to research the dental offices beforehand. You would not just choose the first dentist you found online in your neighborhood at home, would you? No. Then you do your research about offices in India too.

Fortunately, you are not the first to head off to India to have your dental work performed, and there are plenty of customer reviews available. Deciding to go for the implants is big enough one. After that, choosing where to have them done is another decision that looms large with people. It’s no wonder, as the costs can change so much, for the same procedures, products, and services. Choose wisely, and know that India provides some fun sightseeing along the way too.

Are Dental Implants The Right Choice For You?

As far as cosmetic dentistry is concerned, one of the most common and the most expensive types of treatment is getting dental implants. As the name suggests, an implant is a replacement for a natural tooth that is either missing, broken or otherwise misplaced. A missing tooth or a gap does not look good in one’s appearance, thus making this treatment a cosmetic procedure, often one that cannot be claimed from your dental insurance plan, if you have one. They are, however, a popular choice in India. You can see from this chart the areas where most search queries in India come from regarding dental implants:

So the question is, how do you know if dental implants are the way to go for you? After all, they are not the only solution to your problem. So let’s look at some options and consider the factors you should consider before making this decision.

Costs of Implants vs Dental Bridges

First and foremost, the cost of treatment is the biggest factor for most people. And dental implants do not come at a cheap price. The entirety of the treatment can often go into thousands of dollars, which can be a pretty big hit for most people’s bank accounts. So you need to take that into consideration. If budget is a concern for you, then you might want to consider a much cheaper option, called Dental Bridge. These are not a permanent solution like implants but they can do the job just fine in the short term. They do need some extra care and you should not chew hard with them, or you risk the glue getting weaker and the bridge falling off.


Location of Missing Tooth

If the gap in your teeth is central and clearly visible when you smile, it is obviously a bigger problem than if it were at the back where it is barely visible. People care about their appearance which affects their personal and professional lives. If the gap in your teeth is at the back, perhaps you won’t need an implant at all!


Bone Density & Adjacent Teeth

picture of a titanium implant with a ceramic dental crown

For a dental implant to be successful, you need to have sufficient bone strength and density in your jaw. This is because the implant needs to fuse with the bone when it is inserted. It also needs to borrow some strength and support from the adjacent teeth. So if either of these is an issue, you risk having the implant fail, which is an even bigger issue. This is something only your dentist can advise you about. But if there is even a hint of an issue, make it a point to get opinions from multiple dentists as bone issues in the jaw can make the procedure much more complicated.

These are just the basics of what you need to know if getting a dental implant is possibly in the books for you. Do not hesitate to educate yourself online and find out as much information as you can before making the final decision. Overall though, dental implants are a very successful cosmetic procedure as they are quite aged, common and the procedures have been honed over several decades.